
Exposes functions for processing Either objects, which can represent values of two types.

  • Author: Edward Jones
  • Date: 2021-09-17

Source file


Destroy an either-type object.

  • Param e: Pointer to the either object to destroy
  • Param led: Element destructor for the left
  • Param red: Element destructor for the right
void dest_either(Either* e, Destructor led, Destructor red);


Fmap over either-type object.

  • Param eo: Output either type
  • Param ei: Input Either type
  • Param f: Function to apply to the contents of ei to produce eo
void fmap_either(Either* eo, Either* ei, Fmap f);


Construct an either-type object with the left constructor.

  • Param e: Pointer to the either object to initialise
  • Param left_val: Value to place into the left constructor
void make_either_left(Either* e, void* left_val);


Construct an either-type object with the right constructor.

  • Param e: Pointer to the either object to initialise
  • Param right_val: Value to place into the right constructor
void make_either_right(Either* e, void* right_val);


Return whether a given either-type object represents a successful result.

  • Param e: Pointer to the either object to check

Returns: true if e uses the right constructor otherwise false

bool succ_either(Either* e);