
Exposes functions to hendle the string data-type.

  • Author: Edward Jones
  • Date: 2021-09-17

Source file


Create a string from an array of characters.

  • Param str: Pointer to the string to create
  • Param arr: Pointer to the array to read
void arr_to_str(Str* str, Array* arr);


Copy the value of a string into another string starting at a given index. Only mutates if the entire string.

  • Param cont: The container string to write into
  • Param ins: The insertion string to read from
  • Param startIdx: The index to start writing from

Returns: true iff startIdx is low enough to allow all of ins to fit in cont otherwise false

bool copy_into_str(Str* cont, Str* ins, size_t startIdx);


Destroy and free a string.

  • Param str: String to destroy
dest_free_sig(str, Str);


Destroy a string and free its memory if required.

  • Param str: Pointer to the string to destroy
void dest_str(Str* str);


Get the character at a specified index.

  • Param ret: Pointer to the return value, creates a Maybe object of constructor JUST iff the index was valid. In this
  • Param str: Pointer to the string to search
  • Param idx: Index to get if valid
void get_strc(Maybe* ret, Str* str, size_t idx);


Make an empty string.

  • Param str: Pointer to the String object to initialise
void make_str(Str* str);


Make a string by copying another.

  • Param str: Pointer to the string to make
  • Param raw: Pointer to the raw characters to copy
void make_strc(Str* str, char* raw);


Make a string of specified length.

  • Param str: Pointer to the string to initialise
  • Param len: Length of the string to create

Returns: True iff memory was successfully allocated

bool make_strl(Str* str, size_t len);


Make a string by reference to a raw value, freeing the raw value when destroyed.

  • Param str: Pointer to the string to make
  • Param raw: Pointer to the raw characters
void make_strr(Str* str, char* raw);


Make a string by reference to a raw value.

  • Param str: Pointer to the string to make
  • Param raw: Pointer to the raw characters
void make_strv(Str* str, char* raw);


Set the value of a character in a string at a specified index.

  • Param str: Pointer to the string to mutate
  • Param idx: Index of the mutation
  • Param val: Value to write

Returns: true if idx was valid else false

bool set_strc(Str* str, size_t idx, char val);


Create an array (of character values) from a string.

  • Param arr: Pointer to the array to make
  • Param str: Pointer to the string whose data will be copied
void str_to_arr(Array* arr, Str* str);