
Provides functions and preprocessor definitions for lambdas (anonymous functions).

  • Author: Edward Jones
  • Date: 2021-09-17

Source file


A named function signature.

  • Param r: Return type of the lambda, cannot be void
  • Param n: Expression of the body of the lambda, must have non-void type
  • Param ps: Parameters of the lambda

Returns: The signature of a function-pointer of name n which takes ps and returns r

#define func_sig(r, n, ps) r(fun n) ps


A function type.

  • Param r: Return type of the function signature
  • Param ps: Parameters of the function

Returns: The type of a function-pointer which takes ps and returns r

#define func_type(r, ps) r(fun) ps


Create an impure anonymous function.

  • Param r: Return type of the lambda expression
  • Param ps: Paramters of the lambda expression
  • Param b: Body of the lambda expression, must be surrounded by curly braces

Returns: A pointer to an anonymous function with parameters ps, return-type r and body b

#	define ilambda(r, ps, b)                                                                                          \


Create a pure anonymous function.

  • Param r: Return type of the lambda, cannot be void
  • Param ps: Parameters of the lambda
  • Param e: Expression of the body of the lambda, must have non-void type

Returns: A pointer to an anonymous function which takes ps and returns the value of e of type r

#	define lambda(r, ps, e)                                                                                           \


Lambda-friendly implementation of free.

  • Param p: Pointer to memory to free
extern void(fun freel)(void* p);